SECURE has always believed that education is one of the most important tool in changing the lives of the people especially, the marginalized and the vulnerable. Accordingly, it has been active in providing education to the children of the marginalized and vulnerable especially amongst the tribal communities. SECURE takes a rights based approach to the Elementary Education. It considers that every child in the school-going age should be in the school. Towards this end, right from the inception of the organisation it has been organizing village level education centers for the school going children, In these centers, the children have been provided with joyful, child centered, improved content and pace of learning methodologies to improve the quality of education among the children going to government schools. Residential schools have also been started for the Boarder-line children (age group of 10+). The initiatives involved, capacity building of teachers, orientation of the CBOs on the importance of education for the children, hazards of children engaged in any sector and the child labour-poverty-child labour vicious circle.
Towards sensitization of the community and the employers, literature in terms of leaflets, meetings, rallies, were taken up. Exclusive meetings with community, CBOs such as SHGs, VSSs, Trade Unions, Trade organisations, Employers and members of Local Governing Bodies have been organized to discuss the issue. Kalajathas have been extensively used to mobilise social opinion in favour of UEE and against the practice of child labour. |